Friday 26 April 2019

Blame Thrower (New Zealand) April - May 2019 South Africa Tour!

Blame Thrower from New Zealand are here and we have a short interview with Ciara (drums & vocals) followed by gig info and their new split tape below.

How would you describe your music?

Ciara: Blame Thrower sounds like if Bert and Ernie were members of The Descendents. Haha, but nah we are a garage punk band and we draw influences from bands like Wavves and Fidlar right to Black Flag and Dead Kennedys. Our songs are short, sharp and impassioned. Because we're a two piece the music is fairly simple - it's hard work playing and singing at the same time!

Who does what in the band?

Ciara: Luke Penrose is the guitarist and vocalist, and Ciara Bernstein (me) is the drummer and vocalist.

What do you think of south Africa so far, and how is the tour going?

Ciara: South Africa is incredible! It's so insanely different to New Zealand and I'm stoked to see what the local music scene is like. The local cultures, languages, styles and influences are very unique and I'm curious to see how these differences are expressed musically. Our first show is in Port Elizabeth, and luke and I are really excited.

How is the scene back home, and is there much of a tour circuit between Tasmania, Australia, and new Zealand?

Ciara: New Zealand's music scene is thriving and surprisingly big given that we're a population of 4 million people all up. Luke and I are both very involved with the local punk and alternative scene and it seems like every week a new band pops on the radar. Bands go to and from Australia fairly regularly, but tend to only do Melbourne and Sydney. BT recorded our most recent EP in Melbourne last year, and we played shows around there too. We've both been lucky enough to play even further abroad (I played in the States and Luke played in Europe), it's always exciting to take the NZ crew on a roadie far away!

Where can people find your music?

Ciara: All of our music is available on Bandcamp, Spotify and iTunes, but we like Bandcamp the best haha

Questions by: Shaun

There was a bit of a hiccup with venue double bookings and so the revised show dates and locations are as follows... ↓

26th April (TONIGHT!!!) - Port Elizabeth @ Pool City
27th April - Cape Town @ Black Irish
4th May - Pretoria (location TBC)
10th May - Johannesburg @ Rumours Rock City
11th May - Soweto @ Others Concept Space

Check the international surveillance network for updates -

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