Saturday, 14 August 2021

Some Pandemic Synth-Punk from Johannesburg: Stuck by Fake-bit PoZeurs

In the not so distant future of the year 2021, the Blade Runner landscape fades into fiction while the fear of destruction at the hands of our corporate overlords is solidified into reality by the IPCC Global Warming Report. A pandemic rages into its second year with no sign of stopping. A pandemic that has killed countless people, ripped away livelihoods, devastated arts an culture, fragmented communities, while aiding the rich and powerful in their monopoly game for control.

Insignificant to all of this, somewhere in Johannesburg, stuck in a small room, someone makes a retro synth inspired punk rock album.

Stuck by Fake-bit PoZeurs releases August 20, 2021
A full album preview is below:
"Music from the loser corner of the Myspace disco party"

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